Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mother's Day Contest

A photographer buddy of mine convinced me to try this. :) So let's see how it goes...

Starting today, and running through Friday, April 27th we are having our very first Mother's Day contest. Here's what I want you to do:

Write a letter, a poem, or whatever you want telling me about a special mom you know. She can be your mom, the mother of your children(hint, hint Dads!!), or any woman who plays the mother/just like a mother role. Entries can also come from mothers sharing how their lives have been touched by their child/children.

The details:
  • I will not be judging the entries myself, but will be leaving the difficult decision to an impartial third party. So don't get mad at me!! :)
  • Entries must be received by 11:00 pm Friday, 4/27/07
  • Send your entry to and put "Mother's Day Blog Contest" in the subject line.
  • Feel free to be creative and have fun with this and let us feel the love! :)

The prize:

The winner shall receive a complimentary session for up to 5 people. Session must take place by July 31, 2007. This prize may not be exchanged and is not redeemable for cash.

Sound like fun? Well, get writing!! If you have any questions, just let me know!

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