Friday, August 14, 2009

New Blog-Check it out!!!

Well, it's a little late for spring cleaning but I've been trying to work on my blog here and there and it's finally ready. Check it out: NEW BLOG

Next up is a much needed updating of the website...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back from Maternity Leave

Well, welcome to my horribly neglected blog! Oye! It's been a while! My only excuse is that it was such a busy autumn and winter that being pregnant on top of that, it was all I could do to just keep up. I hope you'll forgive me if I share some photos from my new little man's newborn session. (Well, little isn't quite accurate. He came into the world at 8 lbs. 15 oz. Yikes!!) I'd like you to meet Gabriel...

So I am back now!! Drop me an email or give me a call to book your summer sessions!! Be advised that I will be able to answer emails WAY quicker than phone calls as I don't need to wait for a rare quiet moment to answer an email. :)